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Modern Living Room
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Healthy Home Consultation

Let’s face it, we live in a toxic world….


Toxins are a primary driver of disease. You can eat well, exercise, reduce your stress, but if you are not addressing your environmental toxins too it will be impossible to truly get healthy.


While it’s hard to control what goes on out in the world, the one thing you have complete control over is your home! This is your safe haven, the place where you sleep ( the crucial time during which your cells repair themselves). What about your kids? Their growing bodies are even more sensitive to toxic exposure, and it should be a priority to ensure they have the safest, cleanest environment to grow-up in. 


What could be toxic in your home, you ask? Well, the air, the water, cleaning products, sleeping environment, food, cosmetics, cookware, to name a few.


Let's not forget the ever silent EMFs (Electro Magnetic Fields) exposure that we are bombarded with on a daily basis.  We are bio-electric beings. Every nerve in our body uses bio-electricity to make our muscles do what they need to do. Our brain waves, heart radiation, is all based on electro magnetic energy. The electricity in our body helps us do everything.  The steady increase in EMF exposure over the years messes with our body’s natural electrical currents and  has been scientifically proven to cause adverse health effects. Issues such as nervous systems disorders, sleep problems, muscle and joint pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, headaches, dizziness, heart arrhythmias and many others.


With a Healthy Home Consultation you will get​

  1.  A complete assessment of your toxin exposure. 

  2. Education on what these toxins mean & their effect on your health

  3. The tools needed to address your toxic exposures 


What is involved in the consultation:

The consultation is comprised of 2 main areas of focus:


A) Environmental Toxins Assessment* - assessment of toxins in every area your home (Food, Inside/Outside Air, Water, Household & Yard, Health & Beauty Aids) along with recommendations on how to eliminate/reduce them.


B) EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) Inspection* using specialized equipment & meters, we will measure for: 1) Electromagnetic Fields (frequencies in your electrical systems and appliances) 2) Radio Frequency (produced by radio transmitters, wireless devices and cell towers and travels through air) and  3) Dirty Electricity (this dangerous EMF travels along your home’s electrical system and has been linked to poor health).  Education around the impacts of these EMFs along with complete solutions will also be provided. 


*These services can be provided individually or as part of a full Healthy Home Consultation.




2hrs - 2.5hrs for an average home. Additional costs may apply for bigger properties & to account for travel time.  Please contact us to discuss. 


Please note: Environmental Toxins Assessment & an EMF exposure assessment (without measuring) can be performed as virtual consultations using the Zoom Platform. 




  • Environmental Toxins Only: $295

  • EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields) Exposure Only: $295

  • Complete Healthy Home Consultation (combination of A & B): $495


Small changes can make a big difference! Book a 30 min Discovery Call to review your goals and set-up a consultation.




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